Privacy Notice for Murphy, Powers and Wilson Certified Public Accountants, P.C.

Protecting your privacy is fundamental to the way Murphy, Powers and Wilson Certified Public Accounts, P.C. (referred to as “MPW”, “we”, “our” or “us”) conducts business. This Privacy Notice explains the types of information we collect from our individual clients (referred to as “you”, or “your”) in order to provide personal tax return preparation and tax consulting services; how we may use or disclose that information; and the measures we take to safeguard that information.


To provide personal tax return preparation and tax consulting services (referred to as the “Services”), we obtain non-public personal information (“Client Information”) about you. This may include:

• Information we receive directly from you on tax preparation questionnaires and surveys, and through meetings, telephone calls, and follow-up consultations with you (such as your name, address, social security number, family and marital status, and information about your income, assets, investments, liabilities, expenses and personal financial transactions);

• Information from federal and state tax forms and tax returns that we receive directly from you or from other financial service providers or tax preparation firms that you have authorized to give us this information; and

• Information from statements or records we receive from investment firms or other professionals that you have retained and directed to provide information directly to us.


In order to provide the Services, we may disclose Client Information to our affiliates and to non-affiliated companies that perform services to assist us in preparing or processing tax returns (“service provider”), such as companies that assist us with the organization, preparation, processing or mailing of tax preparation questionnaires, tax returns and statements of account. We require all service providers to have written contracts with us that specify appropriate uses of Client Information. We may also disclose Client Information to affiliates and non-affiliated third parties for other purposes required or permitted by law or regulation. Such disclosures may include disclosures necessary:

• To comply with a court order, legal process, or other judicial or investigative proceeding that produces a request for information from MPW;

• To permit auditing of account information;

• To fulfil or respond to a request from you or that of your authorized representative;

• To sell or transfer our business or assets, and

• As otherwise described in this Privacy Notice


MPW’s use and disclosure of Client Information is controlled by Section 7216 of the Internal Revenue Code, the Gramm Leach Bliley Act of 1999, certain other laws, and MPW’s policies.

Section 7216 of the Internal Revenue Code requires we have your consent (“opt in”) before we disclose information that we obtain to prepare your tax return to affiliates or third parties, except the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and law enforcement officials, and except for certain disclosures for other lawful purposes (including disclosures to our service providers who assist us with tax return preparation). We will only disclose Client Information with your prior written consent, if that is required under Section 7216.The Gramm Leach Bliley Act of 1999 requires we give you the option to prohibit disclosure of your non-public personal information to non-affiliated third parties for marketing purposes, if we will make such disclosures. That is referred to as an “opt out” right. We do not disclose Client Information to non-affiliated third parties for marketing purposes, so it is not necessary for us to provide you with the opportunity to opt out of having your information disclosed in this manner. We may use and disclose certain Client Information to enable other MPW consultants to offer you investment advisory and financial planning services. To consent, you should sign a Section 7216 consent form. If you do not want us to use or disclose Client Information for these purposes, you should not sign a consent form.


All MPW consultants are bound by codes of professional conduct, and all MPW employees are additionally bound by the MPW Code of Conduct and company policies, to protect the confidentiality of Client Information, and to prevent unauthorized access to, use, or disclosure of Client Information. The use of, and access to Client Information is restricted to those employees who need to know that information to provide Services to you. We maintain commercially reasonable physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards to protect Client Information from unauthorized access and disclosure.


We will never sell or share, or provide access to, your personal information with third parties, except: (i) with your consent; (ii) in connection with providing our services; (iii) with our affiliated entities (e.g., subsidiaries); (iv) with our service providers that assist us with providing our services, maintaining and operating our site, and transmitting our marketing materials; (v) with our third-party maIf you are no longer a client of MPW’s tax return preparation and tax consulting services, we continue to use, disclose and safeguard Client Information as described above.rketing partners including advertising networks and advertising agencies (see below, PERSONALIZED ADS); (vi) with successor entities (e.g., if we are acquired by, merge with, another business); (vii) for protecting our legal rights; or (viii) as otherwise required or permitted by law.

Rev 12/3/19

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